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#619286  空山 发表于: BC下一任省长出狠招 炒房这样征税 时间: 2022-09-29 15:42:25
[quote="ices"][quote="空山"][quote="ices"]只针对投资房产[/quote] 没看到这个限定啊,他在哪里有说豁免自住房么。只说了豁免建商或者意外残疾的什么的。[/quote] [size=18][color=#000000]“The objective is to prevent flipping rather than generate revenue to a select few. Therefore, there will be significant notice in advance of implementation to allow people to sell their investment properties and increase housing supply in the market,” a policy document from the Eby campaign reads.[/size][/color][/quote] [size=16][color=#333333]The tax rate goes down to zero the longer the property is held, with exceptions for [color=red]major life events such as a death, divorce, or employment loss[/color].  Any revenue will go back into building homes for British Columbians.[/size][/color] 你觉得死亡,离婚,失业,。。。这些都是影响投资房产的持有能力的需要豁免的理由? 怎么看都是针对自住房的某些特殊情况的豁免。
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