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RESP: 2009,JAN, 家长信。团体教育基金並沒有受金融風暴的影響

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尊敬的家長, 新年好!

我們剛剛送走不平凡的2008年, 在跨進2009年的新春之際, 首先衷心祝願您和您的

家人在新的一年平平安安, 身體健康, 全家幸福, 事事如意.

面對2008年全球金融風暴, 不少家長打電話詢問, 我們孩子的教育基金有没有受影

響,告訴你們好消息, 我們的教育基金並沒有受金融風暴的影響,因為我們的計劃在

政府法令規定下做安全的投資, 如政府債券, 國庫券, 定存等,不允許參與股票,互惠

基金等有風險的投資.. 你們的本金,政府的津貼以及祂們所產生的利息都是受保護的,

而且是正數增長.因此請你們放心, 當你們孩子上學時, 錢預備好等著他們領取.

另外在這裡提醒家長政府對RESP有新政策, 可能有些家長還沒有注意到.主要有如


1, 2005年以後, 低, 中收入家庭政府津貼增加100 圓或 50 圓 ;

2, 2004年1月1 日 以後出生的小孩, 可以享受加拿大學習津貼, 第一次500圓,然後

每年100 圓, 可以領15次;

3, 2007年7月政府取消每年4000圓的限制, 把一生的限制提高到50,000 圓.每年存

2500 圓, 可領津貼500 圓.

如果你們想進一步了解這方面的信息, 請盡快聯絡我,同時希望家長給我們提出寶貴

意見和建議, 幫助我們改進工作,另外也希望你們多多支持我的工作,推薦您的親朋

好友來了解我們的計劃,不盡感激.為實現您和孩子們 的夢想,讓我們一起合作,共同




王 美 敬上



辦公室地址 2817 - 4500 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC V5H 2A9

An important message about the safety of your investments

By choosing a Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan you continue to safely invest in your child's future. Congratulations for that investment decision! Given the current events in the financial market, I feel it is important to provide you with some perspective. I am taking this opportunity to touch base with you, to both give you some insight and to address any concerns you might have about your Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan(s).

Although global economic conditions are currently distressed, and the daily market news is unsettling, it serves to remind us that volatility is a reality in the marketplace. The Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan investment portfolios are managed over a long-term investment horizon of up to 18 years, with the goal of ensuring that your money is there when your child is ready to move on to post-secondary education.

With the recent turmoil in the financial markets, it is important to remind ourselves that the Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation maintains a conservative discipline in its investment approach. Our investment policy is to manage the risk to your child's portfolio by investing in fixed income asset classes and principal protected securities, which have historically produced positive and steady rates of return, avoiding major fluctuations. We work hard to maximize the rates of return your child's portfolio realizes, however always with a close eye on the stability of your investment over the long term.

You can sleep well at night knowing that the Canadian Scholarship Trust Foundation is staying true to its investment strategy, of which the cornerstone is the protection of your investment in your child's future: their education savings.

I would also like to take this opportunity to genuinely thank you for your continued support.


Vice President, Operations

P.S. Safely investing in your child's future is a concern that is shared by all parents. By investing in a Canadian Scholarship Trust Plan, you have done exactly that. If you would like your Sales Representative to speak with any friends or family about the plan, please feel free to contact him or her.

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