Goverment Estimated Housing Quote


  2011-07-06 13:45:45

Looking for web to check Goverment Estimated Housing Quote
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  1. kk1 说道: 无题

    2011-07-06 14:58:54

  2. AITDave 说道: 无题

    2011-07-06 15:01:09

    kk1 写道:

    I am asking the number showing on every year's property tax. thank. could check that based on address.
  3. FairCommission 说道: 无题

    2011-07-06 15:12:57

    AITDave 写道:
    kk1 写道:

    I am asking the number showing on every year's property tax. thank. could check that based on address.

    I can check it for you, just PM me your email address and the MLS number you want to check.

    for general checking, you can go to
  4. 林云星 说道: Re: Goverment Estimated Housing Quote

    2011-07-06 15:15:57


    选 Search Address, 一看就懂了
  5. AITDave 说道: 评论

    2011-07-06 15:20:41

    thank you ,what about vancouver and richmond? similar web?
  6. FairCommission 说道: Re: 评论

    2011-07-06 15:25:02

    AITDave 写道:
    thank you ,what about vancouver and richmond? similar web?

    just go to BC assessment, then you can find all information you need, doesn't matter it is in burnaby, richmond or vancouver
  7. AITDave 说道: 评论

    2011-07-06 15:26:32

    got it. thx again.
  8. AITDave 说道: 评论

    2011-07-06 19:35:30

    on bc assessment, it does not the separated value for land and house. any other webs can search?
  9. 岭杉 说道: Re: 评论

    2011-07-06 19:42:27

    AITDave 写道:
    on bc assessment, it does not the separated value for land and house. any other webs can search?

    ask the city
