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KEY Education: 揭:最具创意人士的10个行为小秘密

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Think about someone you know who is incredibly creative, musically, artistically, or just in general. What do you think of them? Are they right-brained? Artsy? Linear thinkers? Is there something special about them? Yes and no. Everyone has the capability to be a creative person. Creative people weren’t born that way, They worked hard for years to refine their talents, to learn to think outside of the box, and express their imaginative energy. Creative people tend to share the following 10 traits.

1.They work, but when work comes to them.

They only feel like expressing their creative sides on their own terms, not at the request of other people.

2.They’re not likely to have a “normal” job.

But what is normal anyway? Often times creative people feel like normal jobs hamper their ability to grow and develop, as well as express themselves.

3.They’re inspired by many different things.

Creative people find inspiration even in the little things. They see the world as a canvas and find inspiration in unlikely places.

4.They tend to question everything.

Even if you aren’t creative, this is a good trait to have. Creative people keep highly active imaginations and often wonder about things big and small.

5.They’re not afraid of failure.

Everyone fails sometimes, and they know that. But you only truly lose if you don’t get back on the horse.

6.They tend to be very independent.

They’re not fans of being told what to do or when to do it. See #2. They work well alone and walk their own path.

7.They know the pros and cons of risk taking.

And they often take risks regardless. They love trying new things and feel like uncomfortable, if dangerous situations make them more alive and expands their horizons.

8.They use painful situations to fuel their passion.

When hurt by someone or some situation, creative people tend to use it to fuel their creative passions and build on it with new energy.

9.They want for constant self-development.

By developing themselves, they develop their creative outlet, whatever it may be.

10.They’re not afraid to let their minds wander.

By daydreaming, they let their imaginations run a little bit wild. No need to question it. It brings in new ideas, helps think about old problems and concepts a little differently, and at the end of it, they may be lead toward more profound conclusions.

Microsoft YaHei', 文泉驿正黑, 'WenQuanYi Zen Hei', 细明体, MingLiU; line-height: 21px;">



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