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移民故事: Costco一些华人居然这么挑水果的

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  国外超市大部分水果都是整盒整袋的卖。每盒每袋中的水果中多少有些“好坏之分”,于是一些华人凭借在国内菜场拼杀出的一双 “火眼金睛”和惊人的“见缝插针”能力,在这里引得数人“侧目”!


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    共有 43 人参与评论    (其它新闻评论)
    评论20 VCIMessenger 2017-09-21 09:13
    本那比经略 写道: 你要不是一个item?那就一箱芒果,有黄的有绿的,还有上面有疤痕的。那你是不是就可以把你想要的嫩的黄的留下,把绿的有疤痕的换到其他盒子里?这样的人不是一直被批判的么。。。 If the mango case is not sealed / wrapped then yes, I think it's fine to pick and swap only for the ones I want. I'm paying my money, so why can't I only select the ones that fits my criteria? If I'm breaking packing and such, that you can criticize and I'm would agree. But if it is open...  [更多...]
    评论19 本那比经略 2017-09-20 15:50
    VCIMessenger 写道:
    一颗白菜 is one item, not a bag of items. I'm talking about produce in a bag. In your example, I simply wouldn't buy it if I don't like it, or I'm ok with the blemish. Blemish isn't the same as rotting produce.

    评论18 VCIMessenger 2017-09-20 15:45
    本那比经略 写道:

    一颗白菜 is one item, not a bag of items. I'm talking about produce in a bag. In your example, I simply wouldn't buy it if I don't like it, or I'm ok with the blemish. Blemish isn't the same as rotting produce.
    评论17 本那比经略 2017-09-19 22:39
    VCIMessenger 写道:
    Yes, and why not? If a bag of cherry is sold by weight, why can't I pick out the bad ones? I do it and I have seen pretty much people of every ethnic group do it at Safeway, T&T, Kin's Market, Costco, etc.

    评论16 GPS2000 2017-09-19 17:14
    客人可以自行mix and match. Costco新政策吧! 这家烂水果越来越多。支持广东一家人。
    评论15 VCIMessenger 2017-09-19 16:41
    本那比经略 写道:

    Yes, and why not? If a bag of cherry is sold by weight, why can't I pick up the bag ones? I do it and I have seen pretty much people of every ethnic group do it at Safeway, T&T, Kin's Market, Costco, etc.
    评论14 本那比经略 2017-09-18 12:52
    VCIMessenger 写道: If the entire thing is completely seal package, sure, you can do take it or leave it. Or I can buy it, take out some of the good portion and return the rest for full refund, thanks for Costco return policy! However, for non-sealed packages, I really don't see why I can't simply take out the bad items, or exchange a bad item with a good one and pay the price. I seriously doubt even Costco would object to shoppers replace a bad apple in a box of 10 with a good on...  [更多...]
    评论13 VCIMessenger 2017-09-18 11:15
    本那比经略 写道: 你觉得里面可能有坏的樱桃,那别买啊。你觉得Costco的退货政策不合你口味,那你别去啊。这些都不能成为把坏的挑出来把好的拿走的理由。你挑挑拣拣,那其他顾客咋办? 商店里的商品,你觉得好就买,觉得不好就离开,就这么简单。。。 If the entire thing is completely seal package, sure, you can do take it or leave it. Or I can buy it, take out some of the good portion and return the rest for full refund, thanks for Costco return policy! However, for non-sealed package...  [更多...]
    评论12 lynnzzm 2017-09-15 23:06
    评论11 本那比经略 2017-09-15 22:49
    VCIMessenger 写道: So if I'm paying my hard earned money to buy something, I have to accept bad merchandise that comes as part of the bag? Seriously?? Btw, Costco has a 100% satisfaction guarantee and no question asked refunded. You can also buy the bag as it is, go out the door, find 1 bad cherry, prompt go back and return the entire bag for a full refund. Guess what happens afterwards? Costco have to dump the entire bag - good & bad cherries - into a garbage bin. You think t...  [更多...]
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